No homeowner wants to deal with a water heater leak! This is because it not only spikes your water bills but can also cause serious water damage. So, let’s chat about the common reasons as to why your water heater might be leaking and how to fix it, with tips from your local experts at Fairborn Plumbing & Drain

Before we dive in: remember, safety first! Make sure the water heater is off before you start troubleshooting! 

Check for a Loose Hot/Cold Water Connection  

A common reason for water heater leaks is a loose connection on the hot or cold water inlet and outlet pipes. With regular use and temperature changes, these connections can loosen up, leading to water seepage. You might notice small puddles around the heater or a slow drip from the pipes. 

To troubleshoot, check the top connections of the heater. If you notice any water or moisture, it might just be a loose connection. A quick tighten with a wrench could do the trick—just be careful not to overtighten and cause more damage. 

Check for a Faulty Pressure Relief Valve  

One common reason for water heater leaks is a faulty pressure relief valve. This valve is supposed to release extra pressure from the tank. But if it’s not working right, you might see water leaking, which means the tank pressure is too high and could even cause the tank to burst. 

To see if the valve’s the issue, gently lift its lever. If it’s working, water will come out. But if it keeps leaking after you let go, it might be time to replace it. 

Check for a Defective Temperature & Pressure Valve   

Likewise, the temperature and pressure (T&P) relief valve can cause leaks. If your T&P valve is leaking, it usually means the water temperature is too high, or the tank pressure is too high, and both issues need to be addressed right away. 

To troubleshoot this issue, check around the valve for any water. If it’s wet or you find moisture, this may indicate a replacement is in the cards. 

Check for a Leaking Inlet Valve   

Finally, if the inlet valve that’s supposed to control the cold water flow into your water heater is damaged or not sealed properly, it can cause a leak. When this valve is faulty, you’ll often notice water pooling around the base of the heater. 

To fix this, check the inlet valve for any damage or signs of wear. You might need to tighten it or even replace it. 

Consult a Professional Plumber:  

If you’ve tried everything and your water heater is still leaking, it’s time to call in the pros. Some issues are just too complex or risky for DIY fixes. A professional plumber can figure out what’s wrong and give you a lasting solution, whether it’s a part replacement, an internal tank repair, or a new water heater. 

A water heater leak can be pretty stressful and cause damage if not taken care of quickly. Knowing some common causes and troubleshooting tips can help you fix it yourself. But if the problem doesn’t go away, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! 

Our team is always here to give you a hand and make sure your home is safe and comfortable. Call Fairborn Plumbing & Drain today at (937) 240-3116 or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!